“It’s All Downhill from Here. . . “#Blog365 Day 188

A few days ago marked the midpoint of this #Blog365 challenge. So far, as of today, I’ve blogged for 188 days. These reflection have been incredibly helpful in forcing me to think more deeply as I’ve gone through my daily routine.

On some days, it has been incredibly challenging to put the necessary time in to reflect and write. On other days, the words have literally poured from my fingers. On those days I have been anxious and excited to reflect.

The big takeaway, as I consider the second half of the year, is that once you’ve gotten through the first fifty percent of any challenge, working through the second half is clearly something that can be done.

While I don’t expect the reflection to become any easier (some days it is really hard to reflect well), I do know that I can achieve the goal of blogging daily for a year. After all, if I’ve made it happen for the first six months, then clearly I can continue it for the next.

One thing I do know? As I write daily, I’m becoming a better, and more experienced, reflector and writer, on life, than I was just a few months back.