“A Job Well Done” - #Blog365 Day 51

It is always nice to celebrate successes. In fact, oftentimes we don’t celebrate them enough.

Successes don’t have to be tremendous or life-altering. They can be small, and relevant to a select few. In fact, sometimes, the most powerful successes are those that are impactful to an audience of one. The necessity, though, is that sometimes successes must be recognized by a larger audience than those who are directly impacted.


Because we need to welcome the advancement of others to see the true value that community has for ourselves.

Education should be an altruistic profession. We should all want others to grow, irrespective of our own growth. That doesn’t mean that we give up on our own growth, or take the focus off our continuous improvement. However, it does mean that we welcome the opportunity to put others before ourselves. Because, if we all take that approach, then everyone’s continued success is emphasized.

By celebrating the worth of others, and the good deeds they have done, we also showcase the need for a community to be much more valuable when it is composed of more than a few people. I love hearing about the achievements of others, and I love asking others about the work they are doing. There is both external and internal value in doing so. On the one hand, we validate the effort that others have put into their work when we recognize their contributions on a larger scale. And, on the other hand, we validate the importance of the work of another for our own learning. Many times, the success of others, spurs us on to explore ideas on our own.

Simply put, celebrating others is a key way to eventually celebrate ourselves.

In addition, welcoming success feels good, and it makes others feel good as well. An important part of community is wellness and well-being; why not welcome all the great that goes on in our schools, districts, and organizations?

We owe it all of those we work with to share the good, the neutral, and the bad. While the bad often gets the publicity, and the neutral seems to always be around, we have to do a better job of shouting the good from the rooftops. All will benefit!